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Church Centre

The Church Centre, connected to the main church building by a glazed lobby, provides meeting space, toilets, kitchen and office.

The building was designed to reflect the style of the church construction and its facilities are fully accessible. It opened in 2006 and was made possible by the generous donation of Miss Marjorie Pike, a parishioner and member of the congregation for many decades.

The view from the veranda is across Crown Estates parkland towards Bagshot Park itself.


As well as serving the Church's youth work, the Centre is proving its value in other aspects of the Church's outreach including an expansion of interest groups and the provision of an ideal venue for family receptions associated with such events as baptisms, weddings, funerals, and re-affirmation of marriage vows.

Contact the Church Office if you are interested in booking the Church Centre.
The Centre is not available for commercial activities or children's parties, please see the Parish Hall, below, for these.

Parish Hall

As well as the Church Centre, St Anne's Church also manages the Parish Hall which is located several hundred metres from the church, at the bottom of the Church Road hill, and serves as the Village Hall. It was built by public subscription and was opened in the 1920s by HRH the Duke of Connaught.

The Hall is a venue for Scouts, Mother & Toddler groups, Women's Institute, dog training etc. It is also used for one-off events including receptions, parties (though not parties for teenagers), and commercial and charity sales.

Bookings for the Parish Hall are made through St Anne's Church Office.



  • Our Faith
  • Events Diary
  • Regular Worship

What it means to be a Christian.

Christian life is lived in relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and in common with other Christians in the church seeking to deepen that relationship and to follow the way that Jesus taught.

For Christians God is understood and known as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

…Father… God is love, caring for creation and for every human being as God's beloved child.

…Son… God is as he has revealed himself to be in the historical person of Jesus Christ. Jesus' life, death and resurrection holds the key to knowing and loving God, and to making sense of life, before and after death.

…and Holy Spirit… God is alive, loving and active today, inspiring faith, justice and truth, sustaining the life of the world, giving spiritual gifts to the church and bearing his spiritual fruit in the world - changed lives and a transformed society.

For details of services please see our Worship - Services page.

For details and variations please see the calendar in our Worship - Services page.



We are a child-friendly church. There is an area at the back of church with soft toys and books for little ones, and a further toy box in the centre just waiting to be explored.

Baby changing facilities are provided in the disabled toilet.


Both the main south door to the church and that to the Centre have level access. Communion is brought to the pews for anyone who feels unable to receive this at the Altar rail. A portable ramp is available to facilitate wheelchair access to the chancel if required.

We have space within the body of the nave so that wheelchair users are able to sit with their family among the other members of the congregation.

A toilet is fitted out for the needs of the semi-ambulant.


Both the church and the centre are fitted with Induction Loop hearing systems.


Our printed material for services (both hymn books and service books) are printed in a reasonably large type face, and we have some hymn books in large type. Arrangements can be made for most material to be available in a larger face if required. Please discuss your needs with us in advance.

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