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Bible Reading

Many people who read their bible regularly find it helpful to do so in conjunction with some form of guide or notes. The notes below are published 3 times a year, starting  in January, May and September.

New Daylight - Your daily Bible reading, comment and prayer.

Each issue of New Daylight provides four months of daily Bible readings and comment, with a regular team of contributors drawn from a range of church backgrounds.

It covers a varied selection of Old and New Testament, biblical themes, characters and seasonal readings.

Each day offers a short Bible passage (text included),a thought-provoking comment and a prayer or point for reflection, and aims to give a fresh, devotional approach to Bible reading.

Guidelines - Bible study for today's ministry and mission.

Guidelines is a unique Bible reading resource that offers four months of in-depth study, drawing on insights of current scholarship.

Its intention is to enable all its readers to interpret and apply biblical texts with confidence in today's world, while helping to equip church leaders as they meet the challenges of mission and disciple-building.

Instead of the usual dated daily readings, Guidelines provides weekly units, broken into six sections, plus an introduction giving the context of the passage, and a final section of points for thought and prayer.
You will need to use a Bible alongside Guidelines.

The Upper Room - Your place to meet God

 The Upper Room has a worldwide readership of some three million, and is unique in that all the meditations are written by readers of The Upper Room, who seek to share the insights of their faith with others, thus providing a personal take on each passage and a different style each day.

Each daily meditation includes a recommended Bible reading and a key verse (you will need a Bible), reflection and prayer, and questions for small group study are also included for each week.

Each issue of The Upper Room also has an index of meditations which can help us in various life situations or when struggling with emotions.


  • Our Faith
  • Events Diary
  • Regular Worship

What it means to be a Christian.

Christian life is lived in relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and in common with other Christians in the church seeking to deepen that relationship and to follow the way that Jesus taught.

For Christians God is understood and known as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

…Father… God is love, caring for creation and for every human being as God's beloved child.

…Son… God is as he has revealed himself to be in the historical person of Jesus Christ. Jesus' life, death and resurrection holds the key to knowing and loving God, and to making sense of life, before and after death.

…and Holy Spirit… God is alive, loving and active today, inspiring faith, justice and truth, sustaining the life of the world, giving spiritual gifts to the church and bearing his spiritual fruit in the world - changed lives and a transformed society.

For details of services please see our Worship - Services page.

For details and variations please see the calendar in our Worship - Services page.



New Daylight, Guidelines and The Upper Room are published by the Bible Reading Fellowship (BRF).

We have a group subscription and our coordinator distributes the booklets every four months as they are issued. Samples are available on request.

The current price is £4.35. If you are interested, please contact the office or the BRF coordinator listed in the Parish Magazine, or use the ' contact us' page to send a message to the Magazine Editor who will forward it.

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